Thursday, December 31, 2009

OBAMA WATCH CENTRAL Little noticed but very dangerous

Obama gives foreign cops new police powers in U.S.
It becomes overwhelming to think of the degree the infiltration of the Czars are the impact that they may leave on society.
After reading this, it becomes more urgent that a unity of spirit becomes a focus.
The definitions by which we define ourselves as a culture are at risk.
Our world view has become blurred as we conform not to Gods laws but situational ethics.
We are defined by any given situation, being tossed around by the wind
not grounded in the Rock.
We have corrupted the seed, by tolerating being planted to close together.
Even Jacob took his family away to a new land and separated himself to avoid strife and live in peace.
We have forgotten our first love...
The founding fathers knew, as we have forgotten "the way to have a Government with integrity is to elect God fearing men."
I am not talking about aLLAH (this is not a typo)
I hope
I walk by FAITH
not by sight

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