Friday, December 11, 2009

Weather Report! Wind Stirs Up Dust.

During the dust bowl Dirty –Thirty days,
there was felt a great desperation in our Country.
On one hand, there were those in this Country,
who were prospering and life was good.
On the other hand; as the depression deepened,
weather and poor land management practices,
left some our farm families in ruin.
They were forced to adapt.
They did not ponder they engaged.
They were tested, but their enduring will.. prevailed.

I can remember one day, my Dad saying "oh, those poor folks,
They are "Okies" coming out of the dust bowl."
Looking leathered and worn, inferring a lower educational level
A have-not.
Labeled less…not wanted, called poor and rejected.
They Survived.
The nation was tested, and so was people’s very will to survive.
We were in the midst of the GREATEST Depression
(We now are in The Great Depression)
AND Like then...
Our nation is in the midst of a dust storm.

It has the wind stirring now, but soon the dirt will accumulate.
In the air once drawn together it will become a mighty force to reckon with.
Just like the farmer then adapted, so shall we.
We will master this dust storm because;

Wind never stays.
We will take the dust and make BRICKS!

To build a Nation.
One who conforms to the old pattern!

Built on A Rock

Made of dust mastered,
A Brick to build a house
using the correct Plum Line

Look ahead Patriots.
The dust is just getting stirred up.

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