Sunday, November 8, 2009

Come to terms

Well, I hate to tell you but the choice is not far off.
If you do not come to terms that you will have to choose sides, well you have not been on planet Earth lately.
Let's just look at the last month...India purchases one of the largest buys of gold in years. Our dollar is not used on OPEC to base the barrel of oil on. We are on the Global currency stability rankings 52. We are behind Mexico on currency stability. Does that compute to your liberal views on the world.
We no longer promote a free market society when we give the Government all the decision making. If I want to buy a damn light bulb made in the freaking U.S. for $100.00 that's my damn right. I am sick of NAFTA ( North American Fair Trade Agreement) these are regulations THAT TIE THE HANDS OF AMERICAN BUSINESS.
No way that the Government is going to be of the people, it is of the FEDCORN that infests the Government now. It is speaker Pelosi and her henchmen....Harry Ried. Inflation in on the horizon, buy now with the dollar slipping you must be prepared for a vary rocky economic ride.

Don't believe the false economic indicators that is misinformation about the economy. The functional unemployment rate in Oregon is 18%. Layoff's continue business now having to decide, if the Health care bill goes through who do I lay off first? the 401 will be non existent because business goes out of business when that EVIL PROFIT goes AWAY. A friend of mine had to lay off three engineers last quarter to pay the Obama Tax. It means that three $160,000 jobs were lost. The wife did not come in and buy a bottle of $15.00 hairspray from me, because now they are on unemployment. Small business will disappear, don't believe it just wait.

Better realize there will not be any better for a very long time...even worse if the money keeps dropping in value, if China continues to buy US debt, if we don't wake up to the truth, that speaker Pelosi does not have your health care in mind but complete control by Government then I have to sadly awaken you.
FEDCORN/FANNIEMAE now offers to let you rent your hose in lieu of foreclosure give up the title to them up to a year. What then? Well sign it over to them now China owns work for them. The Western movement Continues. HI EL HITLER. this is not a conundrum this is either light or the dark. TRUTH SEEKER
What does the light have to do with the dark....nothing,but to expose it! JESUS

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