Sunday, November 15, 2009

Together, We can stop such a thing from happening in America.

The cat is out of the bag... The House is on fire!!!!!!!! This is borrowed information and truth acording to the TRUTHSEEKER
Under Pelosi-Care, American citizens who refuse to purchase an Obama-approved health insurance plan will face fines of up to 250,000 dollars and up to five years in jail.

When asked what gave Congress the right to institute such a tyrannical mandate, Democratic Senator Jack Reed actually had the nerve to tell CNS News that it was constitutionally justified.

Why? Because, according to Reed, it was no different than making people “sign up for the draft.”

Got that?

And apparently, like the draft, it's your solemn duty to purchase their so-called health care plan... or else... under penalty of law.

If you cross them... if you are not covered by a health care plan that has the Obama-Pelosi Seal Of Approval, the IRS will assess a penalty of up to 2.5 percent and if you resist paying this penalty, you can go to jail for up to five years and/or be fined up to 250,000 dollars.

Congressman Dave Camp, the Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee, put it this way:

“This is the ultimate example of the Democrats’ command-and-control style of governing – buy what we tell you or go to jail.”

Specifically, when asked for the justification, under the Constitution, for Congress to make the draconian requirement, Reed told CNS News:

“Let me see... I would have to check the specific sections, so I’ll have to get back to you on the specific section. But it is not unusual that the Congress has required individuals to do things, like sign up for the draft and do many other things too, which I don’t think are explicitly contained [in the Constitution]."

"Get back to you?" ... on the Constitution? ... Is this man actually a United States Senator? ... it should be obvious, Reed has no idea what's in the Constitution. And it should be equally obvious that leftists like Reed and Pelosi and Barack Hussein Obama have little regard, if any, for the Constitution anyway.
Oh... one more thing just recently became obvious... it seems Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will try to ram Pelosi- Care down our throats before we even know what hit us after all.

Right after some Senior Democrats claimed last week that so-called "health care reform" would not be resolved in the Senate this year, Reid immediately (and quietly) moved to brin g Pelosi-Care to the Senate floor.

Debate will start on Tuesday... even though Reid has not even finalized the Senate version of the legislation.

Whoa... just last week, Reid said, "They want us to do this the right way, not the fast way. "What a turnaround.... Why the rush Harry? IS THE HOUSE ON FIRE?????

Liberal ABC News tried to pin Barack Obama on whether he thought jail time was appropriate for those who did not purchase a government-approved health care plan... Obama side-stepped the question.

According to ABC News:

"The President said that he didn’t think the question over the appropriateness of possible jail time is the 'biggest question' the House and Senate are facing right now...Obama said, 'penalties are appropriate for people who try to free ride the system and force others to pay for their health insurance.'”

Of course, what these kool-aid drinkers failed to mention is that no one is forced, under penalty of law, to drive a car... the government doesn't send people to jail for up to five years for refusing to take out a mortgage.

Driving an automobile and owning a home are voluntary acts. If (and the key word here is "if") you drive a car, most states will require that you carry auto insurance. If you take out a mortgage, the lender will require that you actually insure their property.

But that's not the case when it comes to Pelosi-Care.

The Congressional Budget Office stated: “A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action.”

Republican Senator Orrin Hatch said:

“But here would be the first time where our (FEDCORN) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, would demand that people buy something that they may or may not want...

This insanity called Pelosi-Care must be stopped. It must be stopped now.

Are We Living In The Old-Soviet Union?

A poster to the CNS News website made the following observation in reference to the story on Senator Reed:

"We are at the point of a communist takeover... we are under fire America, stand up and take notice... they're trying to take all of our freedoms away from us."

The poster is right. Pelosi-Care sounds like something that would have come out of the old-Soviet Union.

In fact, it is exactly the type of thing that used to come out of the old-Soviet Union... it's tyrannical.

But there's more.

According to a recent report by the Congressional Budget Office, the lowest-cost family non-group plan Pelosi-Care will cost at least 15,000 by 2016.

In weeks past, the American people raised objections to these health care reform schemes based on a variety of concerns... the rationing of health care for our senior citizens... lower quality and availability of health care for everyone across the board... death panels... massive and untenable debt for our children and grandchildren that could literally transform the United States into a third-world country....

Those concerns have not gone away.

Add to those concerns the possibility that 90-114 million Americans will be forced off of their current health care plans and then be forced to purchase another plan (likely an inferior plan) and that it will cost the average family 15,000 dollars or more for a bottom-of-the-line plan.

And as if that were not enough, failure to comply... failure to purchase a government-approved plan will trigger a penalty (collected by the IRS) of up to 2.5 percent... and that refusal to comply and pay the penalty will result in possibly jail time of up to five years.

No wonder Pelosi and Obama and Reid and their cohorts on the left are trying to pass their health care scam under the cover of darkness.

Such a thing should never happen in America. Such a thing cannot happen in America.

This soldier hails the call to Rights. Stop the insanity... WE MUST BE HEARD.
Health care with a purpose people are not disposible....


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