Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It was great to wake-up to see a change in Governors for two out of three states. Do we finally smell the proverbial, Kenyan coffee? Has the Obamination of our Nation begun to CHANGE? Unfortunately the infiltration has gone far beyond that. As FEDCORN becomes more powerful taking on a roll, not as just advisers but actually making policy. Protected as advisers, not regulated under the freedom of information act.

These are the guys that meet with Jesse Jackson and the President, inseminating change alright but not the kind a free market society wants. The dollar continues to drop as India purchases an OOOOOOOOBER amount of GOLD to shure up it's economy.

Do they know something we don't ?

The 2000 page Health care bill gives the Govenment 20% of the US economy.
The electronic health record can be used to force treatment on you. Don't think so! better go do your homework. CALL ALL Your REPRESENTATIVES tell them not to vote for Government Health.

Why is the Independent party the fastest growing party????? because the DEM'S & REP are the same party. We are in the midst of a revolution and its going to be a rocky ride fasten your seat belts.
Next, The Czarification of our Nation, " FORCED POPULATION CONTROL" Truth Seeker.

" In the final days you will have to chose life over death, choose life , so it will go well for you and your family", Jesus.

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