Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Treat me to a treaty????? Fresh From the UN salty & sweet just can't seem to swallow it.

WE are in formation we are marching...WE CAN DO IT!
but do we really want to?

This is a Call to arms AN ARMY OF ONE SAVAGE ROGUE
From "THE UN"
Looking forward to Copenhagen, I have four benchmarks for success:

Every country must do its utmost to reduce emissions from all major sources, including from deforestation and emissions from shipping and aviation.

Developed countries must strengthen their mid-term mitigation targets, which are currently nowhere close to the cuts that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says are needed.

Developing countries must slow the rise in their emissions and accelerate green growth as part of their strategies to reduce poverty. ( THIS IS CALLED REDISTRIBUTION OR TAXES )
A successful deal must strengthen the world’s ability to cope with an already changing climate.

In particular, it must provide comprehensive support to those who bear the heaviest climate impacts. This is a tax for spent carbon a type of restitution tax.

Support for adaptation is not only an ethical imperative; it is a smart investment in a more stable, secure world. ( secure for who not me)

A deal needs to be backed by money( GEORGE SORROS/worldbank/ACORN CAN YOU LOAN ME A DIME?)and the means to deliver it( ONE WORLD ORDER).

Developing countries need funding and technology so they can move more quickly toward green growth. ( see SORROS)

The solutions we discuss cannot be realized without substantial additional financing, including through carbon markets and private investment. This will be the secret Bankers chair holders in the order.
A deal must include an equitable global governance structure. All countries must have a voice in how resources are deployed and managed.

That is how trust will be built.
TRUST YOUR PUTIN OR CHINA OR KOREA OR ????? they have never called me stupid. Well once my sister Lorrraine did!!!!!

Can we seal a comprehensive, equitable and ambitious deal in Copenhagen that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise to a scientifically safe level?

Can we catalyze clean energy growth?

Can we help to protect the most vulnerable nations from the effects of climate change?
Can we expect the United States to play a leading role?

The best answer to all these questions was given last week by Senators Kerry and Graham: “Yes, we can.”

Asa Lindsy Graham as well as John Kerry march arm and arm off to to Copenhagen we better watch our proverbial butts. These guys are marching a death march..our death. life as we know it...

ya both the DEM'S and REP'S

are promoting the one world order agenda.

This treaty we get supersedes our Constitution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It will be run by... no... not our elected officials.... no ...no.. no.. they will be BANKERS buddies like Rham Emanuel.

The TRUTHSEEKER does not drink koolaid.......

The health care legislation will set the mechanism in place for further control of information. Because it is really about information, money, and power.

Lets never let a good crisis go to waist... Store, save, warn....TRUTHSEEKER

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