Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Secret unarming of our Nation

This art compliments Micheal David "Celebrating 100 days

Have you heard about the treaty to hand me and you to them?

Who wants our GUNS?

I personally do not have a gun however, I am beginning to believe getting one is not such a bad idea. UNREGISTERED of the event of Marshall law they will come and get your registered gun.

Obama does not like an armed populace.
It appears that he will do anything to disarm America and Americans.
Obama’s vision for America does not involve capitalism, freedom, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
The left want to disarm and dumb down America. In the hopes to attain complete control over the economy our Gold Standard and the ability for me or you to have a business outside of FEDCORN(FEDERALGOVERNMENT). Recent Tax changes in Oregon for example demonstrate this transition. Next year business's in Oregon will pay tax not on profit but on gross receipts. That will disparage innovators who wish to try to become entrepreneurs. This will stifle our U.S. spirit our inventiveness and will further castrate the people.

The position of President of the United States does not give the holder a unilateral ability to surrender, yet Obama is surrendering and apologizing to everyone, except the American peoples; them… he is selling down the river.

Gun rights supporters are up in arms over a pair of moves the White House made last month to reverse longstanding U.S. policy and begin negotiating a gun control treaty with the United Nations.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton first announced on Oct. 14 that the U.S. had changed its stance and would support negotiations of an Arms Trade Treaty to regulate international gun trafficking, a measure the Bush administration and, notably, former Permanent U.S. Representative to the United Nations John Bolton opposed for years.

Two weeks ago, in another reversal of policy, the U.S. joined a nearly unanimous 153-1 U.N. vote to adopt a resolution setting out a timetable on the proposed Arms Trade Treaty, including a U.N. conference to produce a final accord in 2012.

"Conventional arms transfers are a crucial national security concern for the United States, and we have always supported effective action to control the international transfer of arms," Clinton said in a statement. "The United States is prepared to work hard for a strong international standard in this area."

Gun rights advocates, however, are calling the reversal both a dangerous submission of America's Constitution to international governance and an attempt by the Obama administration to sneak into effect private gun control laws it couldn't pass through Congress.
If you believe this will not affect your ability to bear arms think again....Why would this international agreement not apply to yo? This is not an agenda just perpetuated by the current administration BUT YES INITIATED by the CLINTON/BUSH 1&2

I want to warn you there is no longer two parties...the dots just keep drawing a picture of cooperate control in association to both parties. The proverbial boat is going in the same direction and it all leads to George Sorros who has a GLOBAL Open Society in mind, as does MR Obama. To say redistribution would be an understatement...Take at least 30% of Americas wealth redistributed to the poorest nations. That's right To equalize prosperity you and I get to lower our standard of living to redistribute.....The carbon Copenhagen Treaty takes a position we need to pay restitution by way of another tax....The international Gun Treaty further takes away your gun rights. Government will not improve your standard of living....Stop drinking the KOOL-Aid.....AND SURVIVE! Keep off the Kenyan KOFFEE and SEEK the Truth...FOR in those days it was terrible.....The day is at hand Truthseeker

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