Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The picture says a million words

To celebrate the fact that Obama has been in office for 100 days, artist Michael D’Antuono will unveil a 30″ x 54″ acrylic painting on canvas depicting President Obama like Jesus Christ on the Cross; atop his head, a crown of thorns. Behind him, the dark veil being lifted (or lowered) on the Presidential Seal. The artist attempting to raise debate by asking the question whether or not Obama is revealing or concealing and is he being crucified or glorified?

This just confirms the audacity of hope that a wayward people have in a man they crown king and savior.
Otherwise known in the scriptures as a false Christ, or the man of perdition.
No words can describe this sickening depiction of false messiah worship.
To be revealed in NYC Union Square on the 100th day of Obama’s reign.

Mom maybe he's just a megalomaniac and not really the Antichrist! Truthseeker

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